
Application - Operative System - Embedded

We install and administer operating systems, application programs, and also self-developed software.


Operating Systems

Windows Server Systems
Windows Desktop Systems
Linux Server and Desktop Systems
Apple Mac OS

Application Software

Office Systems
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
DATEV Software
Medical Software / Practice Software
CAD Systems

Software Development

We develop technical and application software to requirements in all areas.

Phasing of software development:

IS Analysis
Target Conception
Feasibility Study
System Design
Components Design
Implementation (Source Programs - Patch)
Program Documentation

Test (Components - Integration - Performance)

Installation (System Introduction - System Acceptance)

Acceptance Report

User Manuals

Operation and Maintenance

Operating / Maintenance Log

A resulting example:

The calendar is a basic software, this is to say it is a module that can be integrated as a part of a library or of a program in any software. It's a small program - at least the size of a file, where there are many functions. The nex page gives a detailed description of the content.


For more information, please contact us.

Apache OpenOfficeApache OpenOffice is an open-source office software suite